The only thing I've given up on is to stop biting my nails. I remember in grade 2 I made nail biting my resolution, still nothing has changed. So if it didn't change does that mean maybe I don't really want it to change? Now, compared to obesity (some random scenario) ... (recall watching this show last night on TLC - Brookhaven(?) Obesity Clinic)..., my habits are by no means detrimental. These people need to change their lifestyles in order to save their lives.
So do they procrastinate, are they lazy, is it because it's a difficult addiction to overcome, or do they just need some life altering event to occur before they "clue in" to change their ways?
I wouldn't say I have an addictive personality so X that one. I do procrastinate, I am lazy, yet I'm so full of life and I want to do everything. I want to make these positive changes to better my future, so I don't turn out sad and alone. kidding. This 24.yr.old at the Obesity Clinic wanted to be an actress and singer, she wanted to go back to school and hang out with friends. She was young and full of life, with ambition. In order for her to persude her goals, she needed to loose 500lbs. That's what was standing in her way (oh yeah, everyday she used 1 full bar of soap to clean in her 1hr shower).
What's standing in my way?
That's something I want to find out.
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Five Changes in 2007: The prequel
Be Active, Schedule, Budget, Get Good Grades, Be Environmentally Aware
want to.../ to do this... / other benefits...
1) be active:
- build my core, strengthen body, tone up / pilates video
- start running weekly / relaxing, builds endurance and allows one to run up 2 flights of stairs AND talk upon arrival
- get a bike / lately I'm lovin' bikes- this would be a dream, I might not have a car in Sept so this is a fair alternative, not only is it fun but good exercise
- sit-ups / we all know the benefits, not much fun unless your motto is "pain is fun" -i'm sure someone's chanted it.
overall goal - to feel better.
2) have a schedule and stick to it:
not much to this one,
- wake up at 7, bed by 11 - I've been doing this for a yr now, I don't need to take naps and it's easier to fall asleep and wake up in the mornings. weekends are a different story.
- Currently I want to have my FT job, and get a PT job for the summer, and maybe volunteer as well at the old age home. In Sept school-wise i want to schmooze in school & a PT job. Apparently I'm the only one who can't do this.
- Think months ahead
3) budget:
- Food - make grocery list, plan meals, eat out twice a month (max.)
- Clothes & House Items - thrift shop & dollar store
- Know how much you can spend before you spend it.
- keep up with budget sheets
- get a job if required
- used books
- plan for future months
4) get good grades:
- 70%
- focus - i want this
- tutoring and study groups (blaahh)
5) be environmentally aware:
- I think I'm already pretty aware of what's going on, and what I can do. I'm really inspired by No Impact Man, he is a superhero. I love how he says he's finally walking the walk. I want to walk the walk- to a lesser extreme (is that bad?).
1 comment:
great pics, this is by far the coolest blog I have ever seen,
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