10 Superfoods Dr. Perricone appeared on Oprah, showing off his superfoods. I'm really into this.
9 o'clock is when I watch some of "my" tv shows, Nip Tuck, ANTM, Survivor, Dexter, The Hills, Heroes, Prison Break, Californication, Gossip Girl, Project Runway, etc (I think that's about all, but I'm into anything)
8 foods you should eat everyday! This is a descriptive piece of information on how you can incorporate better foods into you diet.
Learn about choromosome 7. Dept of Genetics at Sick Kids Hospital
6 reminds me of my latest favourite rage song "sick sick sick" by queen's of the stoneage.
5 things to do with a bottle of rum - I learned a couple of tricks..
4 servings can be made of these Roasted Chickpeas I tried them once, and will try them again.
Learn about the Omega 3- Omega 6 Relationship. This site also provides other useful information.
2 much research about the benefits of Red Wine.
#1 singer, Richard Cheese